Department of Military Affairs

Always Ready - Always There



STARBASE Advanced programs combine STEAM activities with a relationship-rich, school-based afterschool environment to provide the missing link for youth making the transition from elementary to middle and on to high school. It extends the positive impact of STARBASE through an afterschool STEAM coaching approach which solidifies students' attachment to and engagement with school.
The STARBASE Advanced program operates through partnerships with STARBASE, local public and private school districts, and community and military volunteers. STARBASE Great Falls currently operates STARBASE Advanced clubs at the following middle schools:


North Middle School (NMS)

STARBASE Advanced has partnered with the NMS Science Olympiad team!

Point of Contact: Mary Somerfeld, Science Teacher & Science Olympiad Coordinator 

(406) 268-7660

East Middle School (EMS)

STARBASE Advanced has partnered with Code Girls United to mentor a group of 25 EMS girls.

Point of Contact: Meggie Kotthoff, EMS Librarian

(406) 268-7471

Chief Joseph Elementary School

STARBASE Advanced has partnered with Chief Joseph Elementary to put on the 'Let's Science That!' afterschool program for 6th graders.

Point of Contact: Brittany Keeler, 5th Grade Teacher 

West Elementary School

STARBASE Advanced has partnered with West Elementary to put on the 'FabLab' afterschool program for 6th graders.

Point of Contact: Shayla McGregor

Fairfield School

STARBASE Advanced has partnered with Fairfield Schools to put on the 'Project Ingenuity' afterschool program for 5th-8th grades.

Point of Contact: Logan Clark


Interested in volunteering as a STEAM mentor? Contact the STARBASE Great Falls Advanced Coordinator Shannon "Irish" McInerney at or (406) 791-0806