Director's Office
The Director's Office of the Montana Department of Military Affairs provides oversight and support for budgeting, fiscal management, payroll, human resource management, purchasing, information technology, property control, policy development and implementation, and assists with interpretation of rules, regulations and statutes for all programs within the department.
Director & Adjutant General Montana National Guard
Major General J. Peter Hronek

Maj. Gen. John P. Hronek is Adjutant General for the State of Montana; serving as Commander of the Montana National Guard and the Director of the Department of Military Affairs. He is responsible to the Governor of Montana to provide Army and Air National Guard military forces that are ready to deploy worldwide and accomplish military missions in support of national defense, homeland security, natural disasters, domestic emergencies, and military support to state and local governments. As The Adjutant General, Major General Hronek serves on the Governor’s cabinet as the principal military advisor and is responsible to the Governor for State Disaster and Emergency Management, Homeland Security, Veteran Affairs, Counter-Drug Support to Civilian Law Enforcement, the Montana National Guard Youth Challenge Program and the STARBASE Program. Prior to his appointment as the Adjutant General he served as the Air National Guard Assistant to the Commander, Air Education and Training Command.